

Mattie Dionne (a.k.a Ling) was medically retired from the U.S. Navy in 2010. She began to pursue her holistic medicine studies because of her own history of chronic pain. As a former chronic pain patient and disabled veteran herself, she understands that there is no shortcut to a cure. Positive thinking and emotional responses, healthy choice of lifestyle and eating habits are key elements leading to optimal health. She witnessed clients with chronic pain are getting better after receiving hypnotherapy and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) for pain management with underlying emotional triggers. Whether it is for pain reduction, pre/post surgical work, anxiety, eliminating phobias or simply helping clients to improve themselves, she always helps each of her clients in a compassionate manner.

Mattie was graduated from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) in 2011, the first accredited institute which offers Hypnotherapy training in the U.S. She has a total of 500 hours of training and clinical hours at HMI, and she is a Certified Hypnotherapist by International Hypnosis Association. She also holds a Bachelor's degree in Holistic Science and a Master's degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She was also a licensed Massage Therapist in California.

Mattie has also been an American Heart Association BLS and American Red Across BLS instructor, American Safety & Health Institute (now HSI), and ProTrainings CPR & First Aid instructor since 2011.

General Inquiry

One Love One Mind